
Treat to Complete: CoolSculpting® Elite for Bra Fat

Bra fat can be a stubborn area to treat, and no matter how much working out and eating right you do, that fat doesn’t seem to budge. Bra fat is annoying and can be embarrassing. It can also affect how your clothes fit your body, and with more and more women giving up bras today, those bulges remain underneath the clothing, and backless dresses are only a dream at this point, even if you go braless.

Luckily, technology has made it so that you can easily treat almost any body area at this point. CoolSculpting® Elite has become a favorite in this case, with the cryolipolysis technology freezing fat cells to death and creating a slimmer, more toned physique. Thanks to the Treat to Completion program at SoCal Cool Body, it has become much easier to obtain your desired results, as you don’t just book a cycle – you book the results!

Why Is Bra Fat So Difficult to Target?

Bra fat is often difficult to target, primarily because of its positioning. Unlike abs and buttocks, performing exercises that could help reduce bra fat is complicated. Additionally, factors like hormonal changes or genetics make it challenging to reduce this type of fat despite your efforts. 

The fact that you may be constantly wearing a bra does not allow the fat to “mingle” underneath the skin and smooth itself out. If you have a desk job, poor posture contributes to this, as back muscles are weakening. And unfortunately, the older you get, the more pronounced those back rolls become.

Why Can “Treat to Complete” Help Reduce Bra Fat?

CoolSculpting® Elite makes It easy to target these specific fat cells, as the attachments are placed directly on the fat bulges that are bothering you. The advanced applicator design ensures better coverage and contact, effectively treating the stubborn pockets of fat. 

The CoolSculpting® Elite treatments are tailored to fit your fat distribution and body shape. Once the applicators are in place, they can reduce up to 27 percent of the fat in the target area. Patients can receive up to three sessions per area to ensure complete satisfaction with the results, proving to be a cost-effective option.  

Top Tips to Improve CoolSculpting® for Bra Fat Results

The bra area is a tricky one, and to improve the results of your CoolSculpting® Elite treatment, you need to have a targeted approach. Below are some tips that can help you on that path:

  • Get a Proper Bra Fit

Sometimes, the bulges around the bra appear because you wear the wrong fit. Considering that 80 percent of women are wearing the wrong bra size, it’s not surprising that you get those rolls poking out of your back. A good idea is to get professionally measured since this ensures you’re not wearing a size too small. Go for bras with wide back bands, full coverage cups, and wide straps for a smooth silhouette.

  • Consider Targeted Strength Training

Bra fat can be targeted with numerous workouts that aim to reduce back fat. Opt for the ones that exercise the upper back, such as lat pulldowns and shoulder presses. Consider back extensions for the area between your middle and lower back since they can improve your posture and strengthen your lower back. Classic exercises such as rowing or push-ups could also target the underarm and back areas.

  • Get Lymphatic Drainage or Massaging

The bulges around the bra line often happen because you have excess fluid retention. Try regularly massaging the area to reduce the retention of fluid. A good idea would be to try dry brushing, as it can stimulate lymphatic drainage and decrease fat appearance. Remember to be patient, as it does take some time for the CoolSculpting® Elite results to kick in.

Get Your Bra Fat Treated Today with CoolSculpting® Elite!

Bra fat can appear as a lost cause, especially since most women can’t give up on the garment. However, you can finally say goodbye to bra fat with the right lifestyle changes and a few CoolSculpting® Elite treatments. Call SoCal Cool Body and schedule your appointment today!


For more information about using the CoolSculpting® Elite bra fat treatment, contact SoCal Cool Body at 951-397-0530. We have offices in Palm Desert and Murrieta to welcome you for an appointment. As an alternative, you can fill out our online contact form, and we will get in touch with you shortly! 


Treat to Complete: CoolSculpting® Elite for Back Fat Removal

Back fat can be bothersome for many individuals, compromising any backless dress look that you may want to pull off. The problem is that this kind of fat deposits unevenly, leaving unappealing bulges that you can’t always hide.


Luckily, we live in a time where aesthetic medicine has seen much innovation, and CoolSculpting® Elite is here to help. The Treat to Completion program at SoCalCoolBody has made things more convenient for men and women worldwide. If you have back fat that you want to address, find out how this treatment can help you.

Why CoolSculpting® Elite Is Good for Back Fat

CoolSculpting® Elite has become popular over the past several years due to its non-invasive action and effectiveness for targeting stubborn fat. Due to its use of cryolipolysis, it’s a more comfortable alternative to laser treatments, whose warmth triggers the immune system. While the latter is an option to remove compromised cells, it can still lead to more unwanted side effects like inflammation. 

CoolSculpting® Elite is seen as a better alternative, as cold therapy can diminish inflammatory responses. When treating large areas like your back, this can be beneficial, as you should experience less discomfort and less recovery time. Most patients can resume their activity right after the procedure.

Back Areas that CoolSculpting® Elite Works On

When we say “back fat,” we rarely talk about just one area. As previously mentioned, back fat distributes itself unevenly, causing random bulges where you don’t want them. For the most part, this fat can accumulate in different parts: the bra area, the mid-back, and the lower back section.

CoolSculpting® Elite uses two applicators that allow you to treat two areas simultaneously. Considering that the back is such a wide area, it gives you more coverage compared to its predecessor, the traditional CoolSculpting® machine. We often use two machines, in this area, placing 4 applicators on the back simultaneously. This reduces the time spent in the office while improving the procedure’s efficiency.

Why the Treat to Completion Program Is Efficient

When treating small pockets of fat, one cycle of CoolSculpting® Elite is often enough to give you the desired results. However, back fat is more challenging, as there can be multiple fat pockets to deal with. The treatment reduces up to 27 percent of the fat, which may not be enough for some people. Certain patients may require a second or even a third session until they reach their desired results. 

Rather than charging for each CoolSculpting® treatment, the “Treat to Completion” program focuses on the results. This improves customer satisfaction, as you should have a clear visual of the journey ahead of you.

Tips to Improve CoolSculpting® Elite for Back Fat Results

CoolSculpting® Elite is an effective treatment to reduce back fat, and the results are improved with proper aftercare. Here are some tips to consider:

  • Focus on exercises that target the back muscles, such as rows, reverse flies, deadlifts, and HIIT cardio. 
  • Try to improve your posture, as this can engage the muscles in your back and flatten the back fat.
  • Consider sports and activities that engage back muscles, like basketball or swimming.
  • Try not to be sedentary so that the remaining back fat cells don’t enlarge.

Naturally, it is also recommended to follow a healthy diet of whole grains, healthy fats, and veggies while limiting processed food. 

Get Your Back Fat Treated Today With CoolSculpting® Elite!

Back fat can be unnerving, but that doesn’t mean you have to live with it or spend all of your free time in the gym. All it takes is a good lifestyle and some CoolSculpting® Elite treatments. Contact SoCalCoolBody and schedule an appointment for a CoolSculpting® Elite free consultation or treatment!


For more information about the benefits of CoolSculpting® Elite for the back, contact SoCal Cool Body at 951-397-0530. We can set up an appointment at any of our locations for the Treat to Complete package, whether you are in Murrieta or Palm Desert. You can also fill out our online contact form, and we will be in touch with you shortly!


Treat to Complete – Get the CoolSculpting® Treatment for Love Handles

As medical technology is improving more and more each day, plenty of men and women are beginning to see the benefits of CoolSculpting® Elite. Using a technique called cryolipolysis to freeze and destroy subcutaneous fat, it’s an efficient, non-invasive procedure to get rid of those stubborn fat pockets on the sides and back of the abdomen between the lower ribs and hips.

CoolSculpting® Elite can be used to treat numerous problem areas on your body, but many use it for the difficult-to-approach flank area. Thanks to the “Treat to Completion” program, men and women can now pay once for a flank package, paying for results – not treatments – making the journey more satisfactory. In this blog, you will learn more about why this CoolSculpting® Elite flank package holds the answers to your contour concerns.

Why Are Love Handles So Difficult to Target?

Love handles cause frustration among many men and women on their body-sculpting journey, as the fat in that area can be more stubborn than others. Regardless of gender, the fat in your midsection is among the last to “go”, even after months of dieting and exercise. Women are especially affected by this, as their hormones stubbornly keep the fat in that area. 

A good way to address love handles is through exercise, but even that can prove challenging. Unlike areas like your buttocks or abdomen, the muscles in the love handle area have a much lower mobility range. This prevents you from triggering the contraction degree needed to burn excess fat. Ultimately, your body might slowly sculpt into a desirable shape, but the love handles can stubbornly remain and compromise your results.

How Can CoolSculpting® Elite Help the Flank Area?

The beauty of CoolSculpting® is that it evolved from using one applicator to using two: enter CoolSculpting® Elite. With this, you can treat both flanks at the same time. Each applicator placed over each flank can permanently damage and eliminate up to 27 percent of the fat in the target area, per session, and the treated cells are naturally flushed out by the body.

Lifestyle Tips to Reduce Flanks and Maintain Your Results

The CoolSculpting® Elite “Treat to Completion” package can effectively reduce the stubborn pockets of fat in the love handle area. However, while the treatment can lower significant amounts of fat cells, it doesn’t remove all of them. Additionally, even though fat cells are permanently destroyed, in the treated area, there’s no guarantee that the remaining fat cells won’t enlarge if you have an unhealthy lifestyle. Below are some tips to ensure the effectiveness of CoolSculpting® Elite for the flank area:  

1. Go for Targeted Flank Exercises

Flanks may be difficult to target, but they are not impossible. Exercises like side planks, bicycle crunches, or other movements that trigger the obliques can speed up your CoolSculpting® results. Swimming or aerobics can also activate your obliques, slimming out those love handles.

2. Cut Out Processed Sugar

Sugar is generally bad for you, but it’s more troublesome when you are dealing with love handles. Processed sugar usually goes straight to your midsection, meaning your belly and love handles can become more prominent. We recommend that you consider cutting refined sugar out of your diet to smooth your figure.

3. Get Maintenance CoolSculpting® Elite Treatments

The amount of Adipose (fat) cells you have is set during adolescence and remains constant through adulthood, regardless of whether you gain or lose weight. As long as you maintain your post treatment weight you should maintain your post procedure results. Even if you try your best to stay active, a sedentary job or poor diet may cause your remaining fat cells, in the treated area, to enlarge. Getting maintenance CoolSculpting® Elite treatments every year (or every few years) can destroy any potentially growing fat cells before the flanks develop again. 

Say Goodbye to Your Love Handles

Love handles are stubborn indeed, but they are not indestructible. You just have to find the right treatment to help you get rid of them. Contact SoCalCoolBody for a CoolSculpting® Elite free consultation or treatment today and make the most of our “Treat to Completion” program!



To learn more about CoolSculpting® Elite and the “Treat to Completion” program, you can contact SoCal Cool Body at 951-397-0530. We can always welcome you to our offices in Palm Desert and Murrieta for an appointment. You can also fill out the online contact form on our website, and we will reach out to you shortly to make an appointment!


Treat to Complete – Getting Amazing Thighs with CoolSculpting®

Non-invasive fat reduction treatments have been under the spotlight over the past couple of years, and a preferred treatment is CoolSculpting® Elite. Men and women worldwide enjoy the fact that CoolSculpting® can reduce significant amounts of fat without surgery. The one potential downfall for some patients is that one CoolSculpting® Elite treatment may not be enough to cover the entire area, keeping you from reaching your goal.

This is where the “Treat to Completion” program comes in to help you. Through this offer, your focus stays on the final results rather than on each separate cycle. This helps improve treatment satisfaction, especially on stubborn areas like your thighs. Keep reading to find out how CoolSculpting® Elite can help!

How Does CoolSculpting® Elite Work for Your Thighs?

CoolSculpting® Elite uses controlled freezing technology (i.e., cryolipolysis) to injure and eliminate subcutaneous fat. The device has seven different-sized applicators that may be used to treat nine areas of the body, one of which is the thighs. One treatment session can reduce up to 27 percent of the subcutaneous fat on your thighs, sculpting a slimmer figure. 

Once the fat cells are frozen, they are permanently damaged and unable to cling to the surrounding tissue. Your body should perceive that as a toxin that must be flushed out, using your lymphatic system for that purpose. We recommend two to three treatment sessions for the inner and the outer thighs, but this can differ based on the amount and density of fat an individual has. This is why the “Treat to Completion” program may be beneficial, as it has you paying for the results instead of the cycle itself, giving you a more affordable option for toned thighs. 

Why Is Thigh Fat So Difficult to Target?

Thigh fat is quite troublesome, as it tends to gather in larger amounts. Women are particularly affected by this, as higher estrogen causes most of the fat to be stored on the thighs. The body does this to prepare the woman for potential childbirth.

CoolSculpting® Elite uses a targeted approach to reduce up to 27 percent of the fat, per session, in the treated area. When the thigh fat does not respond well to exercise, CoolSculpting® can do a better job by freezing it.

How to Ensure the Longevity of CoolSculpting® Results

CoolSculpting® Elite can effectively and permanently reduce a significant amount of thigh fat. However, as the hormones and other natural body processes never stop, there is a chance that the remaining fat cells may enlarge.  To ensure the longevity of your CoolSculpting® Elite results, consider the following tips:

1. Take a Walk

Something as simple as a walk can help you reduce thigh fat. However, we recommend a faster pace, as it helps burn the fat faster. Even 30 minutes of walking per day can set your cardiovascular system in motion and prevent you from storing more fat on your thighs. 

2. Have a Healthy Diet

The food you eat is essential in how your hormones are balanced. If you have excess estrogen that causes the fat to go on your hips, consider a diet rich in cruciferous veggies, soy, flaxseeds, green tea, and berries. Our professionals at SoCalCoolBody can suggest a good diet plan to prolong your results. 

3. Engage in Thigh-Activating Hobbies

You can have fun while keeping your thigh muscles happy. For instance, horseback riding is a fun activity that can help tone your inner and outer thigh fat. Cycling and swimming can also have that effect, keeping your thighs slender. 

Get Rid of Thigh Fat with CoolSculpting® at SoCalCoolBody!

Thigh fat is challenging to deal with. Still, with CoolSculpting® Elite, you can achieve your desired body contour. Schedule a CoolSculpting® Elite treatment today and enjoy beautiful results!


For more information about CoolSculpting® Elite, call SoCal Cool Body at 951-397-0530. We have offices in Murrieta and Palm Desert to help you obtain the desired results. We also invite you to fill out the provided online contact form, and we will get in touch with you shortly!


Treat to Complete: Targeting the Upper Arms with CoolSculpting® Elite

Upper arm fat is difficult to conceal, especially in the summer when everyone wears light clothing. The CoolSculpting® Elite treatment at SoCalCoolBody uses controlled freezing technology to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat in the arms for a sleeker look. 

Depending on the amount of excess fat you have on your arms, one CoolSculpting® Elite treatment may not be enough to bring the desired results. For this reason, we are introducing the Treat to Completion program with CoolSculpting®, where you pay for the results not treatments. This program increases satisfaction by allowing you to sculpt your arms up to three sessions while saving you money. 

How Can CoolSculpting® Reduce Fat on the Upper Arms?

CoolSculpting® Elite is a treatment that uses a technology called cryolipolysis to fatally injure subcutaneous fat cells. The device features two vacuum applicators that target and freeze unwanted fat cells in the treated area. Once these cells are destroyed, your body will flush them out naturally, leading to slimmer arms. 

The treatment lasts about 35 minutes, with each applicator addressing one arm. Individuals with mild-to-moderate fat on their arms can treat their body with one CoolSculpting® Elite session. Depending on the amount and density of fat, in the treatment area, some clients may require up to three sessions. This is why we recommend the “Treat to Complete” package, as it allows you to keep your eyes on the goal, providing you affordability to achieve your desired results.

Why Are the Upper Arms a Good Treatment Area?

Arm fat is one of the most stubborn body areas. People who struggle with this know how difficult it is to get rid of flabby arms. 

CoolSculpting® Elite makes it easier to target stubborn fat pockets in the upper arms, freezing the fat that your body cannot burn. This helps you sculpt your arms to achieve impressive results. 

Tips to Improve Your Results

CoolSculpting® Elite can trigger significant arm fat reduction as the body flushes out up to 27 percent of the target fat per session. To achieve the best possible results, we recommend that you help your body along the way. Here are some tips to obtain beautiful arms with CoolSculpting® Elite!

1. Have a Body Skincare Routine

CoolSculpting® Elite can reduce significant amounts of subcutaneous fat, but it does little to nourish the skin and improve its elasticity. If you use the treatment to reduce significant amounts of fat, the skin may need extra help to bounce back into its tight, firm shape. To help reduce post-fat-reduction sagging, consider implementing a routine that uses moisturizing products. We recommend SkinMedica®’s Firm & Tone Lotion

2. Work the Arms

Exercising can enhance the definition and tone of your muscles. To complement your CoolSculpting® routine, consider doing daily workouts like arm circles to improve your arm definition. Try using your arms as much as possible outside of that (e.g., carrying bags or doing chores around the house).

3. Keep a Healthy Diet

Your diet can play a significant role in ensuring the lost fat stays away.  CoolSculpting® is a permanent procedure. You will maintain your results as long as you remain your post-procedure weight. For this reason, you should consider keeping a healthy diet that includes vegetables, fruits, and lean protein. Steer clear of processed foods, as they are most likely to deposit fat on your arms. Also, remember to drink enough water as this can flush out the damaged fat cells faster.

Get Your CoolSculpting® Elite for Upper Arms Today!

CoolSculpting® Elite can be an effective, non-invasive option to create slimmer upper arms, offering balance to your body. With the Treat to Completion package, you can target both arms up to three treatment sessions, until you get the desired results. Schedule a free consultation with SoCal Cool Body today and obtain slimmer-looking arms with CoolSculpting® Elite!


For more information about CoolSculpting® Elite, contact SoCal Cool Body at 951-397-0530. We have offices in Palm Desert and Murrieta, where you can schedule an appointment. Also, you can fill out our online contact form, and we will contact you soon.


Treat to Complete – Get CoolSculpting® Elite for the Abdomen

CoolSculpting® Elite has gained a lot of popularity over the past couple of years, with cryolipolysis proving its ability to reduce unwanted fat. Each cycle can reduce up to 27 percent of the fat in the target area, leading to effective results. The problem is that one treatment may not be enough to cover the entire abdomen, which sometimes keeps you from achieving your desired results. 

Enter the “Treat to Complete” program, which focuses on treating the area rather than just completing one treatment (cycle). This allows clients to target more fat in one body area. Read this blog to learn how this can help you eliminate fat in your abdomen! 

How Does CoolSculpting® Elite Work?

CoolSculpting® Elite is an advanced treatment using cryolipolysis to freeze fat cells in the subcutaneous layer. Once that happens, those damaged cells are naturally flushed out by the body, never to return. The applicator will remain over one area of the abdomen for a specified time, performing a cycle that gradually targets unwanted subcutaneous fat.

As part of the “Treat to Complete” program, the Body Package pricing is focused on achieving optimal results, instead of just completing 1-2 treatments (cycles). In the past, a CoolSculpting® Elite treatment for the abdominal area was usually two treatments . With the new Abdominal Body Package, you now can treat the abdominal area up to three sessions which offers greater satisfaction so that you can get the results you want.

Why Put the Focus on the Abdomen?

Belly fat is one of the most complex types of fat to eliminate, as many cells are linked to a hormonal cause. Whether it’s due to hormone imbalances, menopause, or a poor diet, belly fat is not easy to get rid of, even with the best diets and exercise routines. Genetics also plays an important part in this, which makes it difficult for some to discard belly fat. 

CoolSculpting® Elite for the abdomen makes it easy to target that stubborn area as the freezing technology reaches deep into the fat cells. Within a few weeks, you should notice a reduction in the fat cells, the tailored treatment bringing gradual results as you are sculpted towards satisfaction.

How to Prepare for a CoolSculpting® Elite Treatment?

While CoolSculpting® Elite can reduce significant amounts of fat from the treated area, it works even better with a bit of help. To get a flatter, better-sculpted abdomen, we suggest that you keep the following tips in mind: 

  • Keep a Balanced Diet

Poor diets are often the leading cause of stubborn abdominal fat. By adding bloating into that mix, you can have a perfectly skinny belly, but you’ll still have a bulge that compromises your results. It’s better to focus on a diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, and protein, steering clear of processed food and sugar. This way, the CoolSculpting® Elite results should be more visible. 

  • Stay Hydrated

Proper hydration is essential for metabolizing the fat and processing it out of the body. While CoolSculpting® Elite can eliminate a quarter of the targeted fat, you’ll need your body functions to cooperate, and dehydration won’t help. As a bonus, hydration can help you maintain proper skin elasticity so it doesn’t sag once the fat is removed.

  • Get Regular Exercise

While you don’t have to hit the gym every day, it is recommended that you get some exercise to help with the fat-burning process. Go swimming, ride your bicycle, or walk or run every day. Strength training like crunches or planks can also help make your core stronger and more defined.

Get Rid of Belly Fat With SoCal Cool Body!

The abdominal area is among the hardest to treat because it’s quite large, and the fat is more stubborn here. Our new Body Package pricing is focused on achieving optimal results with Coolsculpting Elite.  Schedule an appointment today at SoCal Cool Body for your CoolSculpting® Elite journey! 


For more information about CoolSculpting® Elite and our “Treat to Complete” program, contact SoCal Cool Body at 951-397-0530. Depending on your location, we can set up an appointment at our offices in Murrieta or Palm Desert. You can also fill out our online contact form, and we will get in touch soon.


Enjoy the New Body Package for CoolSculpting® Elite

CoolSculpting® has increased in popularity, with many women and men enjoying its non-invasive advantage of reducing fat. By using cryolipolysis, CoolSculpting® Elite freezes the fat, in the treated area(s), letting the body naturally remove the fatally damaged cells. The problem is that CoolSculpting® Elite is often delivered in cycles based on the applicator, which means you may not always achieve the desired results with one treatment.

Luckily, CoolSculpting® is now offering “Buy a Body Package and Pay For Results Not Cycles.” Clients can get a Treat to Complete package for a specific area, receiving up to three complete treatment sessions per area over the next five months. Additional body areas can also be included at a discounted price if you want to treat multiple body parts simultaneously. In this blog, you will learn more about the areas that CoolSculpting® Elite can treat and why a focused approach can deliver awesome results. 

Why Treat One Area at a Time With CoolSculpting® Elite?

Thanks to CoolSculpting® Elite’s two handles, the procedure can allow for maximized results. By focusing on a specific body part, you get more fat reduction and improve the overall outcome. This version of CoolSculpting® also makes it easier to cover “twin” areas simultaneously, like the flanks or the banana rolls. 

Leaving time between treatments also allows the body enough time to adjust. CoolSculpting® Elite gets rid of up to 27percent of fat cells per session in each treatment area. By treating the same zone over the next five months, you can enjoy polished results that are as close to perfect as possible.

Areas that CoolSculpting® Elite Treats 

The FDA approved CoolSculpting® Elite to treat nine different body parts: 

1. Abdomen

Abs are most susceptible to fat bulges, especially for women. Your hormones often send fat to your lower abs, especially as they prepare that region for having a baby (whether you intend to or not). CoolSculpting® Elite can melt the subcutaneous fat gathered there, leading to a flatter tummy.

2. Upper Arms

Also referred to as “bat wings,” upper arm fat is among the last to go. Exercise alone can’t always target the fat in this area, even if you dedicate your all. CoolSculpting® Elite can treat both arms simultaneously, offering a more sculpted arm profile.

3. Thighs

Like the abs, estrogen can also cause fat accumulation in the thighs, making it more challenging to get rid of. CoolSculpting® Elite can treat both thighs at a time, and the multiple sessions in the package help you complete your body sculpting goals.

4. Flanks

Also referred to as “love handles” or “muffin tops,” these patches of fat are often difficult to address due to limited motion. The new CoolSculpting® Elite packages can address both flanks, freezing the fat in the area and offering targeted results.

5. Back Fat

Back fat can be challenging to address through dieting and exercise alone, and the size of the area alone could require more cycles. However, you’ll have a better chance of obtaining beautiful results by choosing the body package that addresses this area.

6. Bra Fat

The bulge between the breasts and armpits might prevent you from looking elegant in a dress. As long as the fat here is pinchable, CoolSculpting® Elite can help you reduce it. 

7. Under-Buttocks

Buttocks fat prevents your bottom from looking perky and lifted. This type of fat is called the “banana roll,” making you feel self-conscious, especially when wearing a swimsuit. CoolSculpting® Elite can treat these rolls and offer a better buttocks contour.

8. Under-Chin

Chin fat is quite stubborn, and you might deal with it even after you have lost weight. The CoolSculpting® Elite chin attachment can reduce the fat and offer a more elegant-looking neck. 

9. Under-Jawline Area

Fat under the jawline can make it seem like you don’t have a neck, preventing you from achieving the perfect contour. You can get CoolSculpting® Elite packages to treat the under-jawline fat or include it as an add-on for the under-chin package.

Treat to Complete for Full Results

CoolSculpting® Elite can be an excellent treatment to address troublesome fat from different body areas. By getting a Treat to Complete package, you receive optimal results, as the focus is on the “area” rather than the “cycle.” Schedule a Free consultation appointment with SoCal Cool Body for CoolSculpting® Elite and see what it can do for you!


For more information about CoolSculpting® and the body package system, contact SoCal Cool Body at 951-397-0530. We have practices in Murrieta and Palm Desert, where we can welcome you for an appointment. As an alternative, you can fill out our online contact form, and we will get in touch with you shortly.


Ways CoolSculpting® Elite Can Make You Look and Feel Better

Stubborn fat can sometimes be challenging to eliminate, regardless of how much time you spend exercising and dieting. For example, areas like your love handles and under-chin can be difficult to activate through exercise. This means you can look sculpted but with stubborn pockets of fat poking out from different areas.

If this is you, then you may be a good candidate for CoolSculpting® Elite. As a simple way to target difficult fat, this treatment uses cold technology and your natural body processes to sculpt your contour. Read this blog and discover how it can make you look and feel much better!

What Is CoolSculpting®?

CoolSculpting® is a non-invasive body-shaping technology that harnesses the power of cryolipolysis to kill stubborn fat. Rather than vacuuming the fat out in an invasive manner, cryolipolysis freezes the fat and leaves your body to take it out. This reduces the discomfort during the procedure and keeps the recovery time at a minimum. 

The CoolSculpting® procedure has evolved a lot over time, with the successor of the technology being CoolSculpting® Elite. SoCal Cool Body also uses this unit, which features two handheld tools and allows you to have two areas sculpted simultaneously. This reduces the time spent in the office and increases the procedure’s efficiency. 

How CoolSculpting® Elite Can Help You

There are multiple ways in which CoolSculpting® Elite can help you look and feel better, which includes the following: 

1. Targeted Fat Removal

The most notable way in which CoolSculpting® Elite can make you feel better is in the fact that it offers targeted fat removal. You have no control over the process when you lose weight through traditional means. Workouts can offer a more targeted effect, but some areas can still be challenging to reach. CoolSculpting® Elite can get to those areas that are bothering you and not responding to anything you are doing. 

2. It’s Non-Invasive

There are plenty of procedures out there that can offer beautiful results, but many of them are fairly invasive. Not many people have the time to spend on recovery, which causes them to look for alternatives. CoolSculpting® Elite offers the freedom of movement you seek, as the non-invasive technique requires little to no downtime. Most of the time, you can go about your business right after the treatment. 

3. Permanent Results

A general fear that many people have is that the fat lost through any procedure will eventually return. This is not the case with CoolSculpting® Elite. If you follow a healthy lifestyle, the fat you lose from CoolSculpting® will not return. The cells are permanently damaged during the cryolipolysis process, which means you should be able to enjoy the results in the long term. 

4. Fast Results

Even with a good fitness routine and a healthy diet, seeing results can take some time. This is because it’s more difficult to engage your fat cells through natural means, causing the results to be slow. With CoolSculpting® Elite, a significant number of cells are affected from the very first treatment, and even more if you go for repeated cycles. Within one to two months, your results should become noticeable.

5. Customization Ability

Lastly, CoolSculpting® Elite can make you look and feel better through its customization ability. With this treatment, you can target anything from double chin to arm fat, thigh fat, belly fat, flanks, and more. Since lower belly fat is most stubborn, especially among women, CoolSculpting® Elite can help you target it. It can reduce up to 25 percent of the fat in the treated area, making it very effective.

Get Your CoolSculpting® Elite Treatment Today!

A CoolSculpting® Elite treatment can make you look and feel like a much better version of yourself. It precisely sculpts your body and brings beautiful results without requiring much work. Schedule an appointment for a CoolSculpting® Elite treatment with SoCal Cool Body and watch as your body transforms!


For more information about CoolSculpting® Elite, please contact SoCal Cool Body at 951-397-0530. We can set up an appointment at any of our locations, whether you are in Murrieta or Palm Desert. As an alternative, you can fill out our online contact form, and we will get in touch with you shortly.


3 Reasons CoolSculpting® Elite Is What You’re Looking For

Stubborn fat can be very frustrating, especially when you’ve tried every diet and exercise routine to sculpt your body. Some areas, like under your chin or love handles, can be very hard to target, and belly fat often overstays its welcome. In these cases, body contouring techniques have become the preferred choice, a notable one being CoolSculpting® Elite

CoolSculpting® Elite has gained plenty of popularity in the past few years, with hundreds of thousands of people choosing it for its non-invasive fat reduction properties. With just a 30-minute treatment, people can start a fat reduction process using little effort. In this blog, you will learn why CoolSculpting® Elite is the perfect choice for you!

How CoolSculpting® Elite Works

CoolSculpting® Elite is a procedure that uses a process called cryolipolysis to get rid of stubborn fat areas. The applicators of this special tool are passed over the target area, freezing the fat cells without breaking through the skin. As the fat cells are permanently damaged, the body will flush them out naturally. 

CoolSculpting® Elite can reduce up to 25 percent of the stubborn fat, bringing you closer to your body sculpting goals. Multiple CoolSculpting® Elite cycles can offer a full body contouring effect, finalizing your weight loss efforts.

Top Reasons Why People Choose CoolSculpting® Elite

CoolSculpting® Elite is popular among our patients, and here is why: 

1. It’s a Very Comfortable Procedure

The CoolSculpting® Elite device uses cryolipolysis to freeze the fat cells underneath, permanently damaging them. This is done without creating any incisions to the skin, reducing the overall damage. Additionally, as topical cooling has been used to numb pain on the body’s surface, little to no discomfort is felt during the procedure. 

Many people pass the time during their CoolSculpting® Elite treatment by reading, catching up on emails, or even taking a nap. The procedure itself is refreshing, and you do not have to prepare in any way before your session. Most patients can return to their daily routine almost immediately. 

2. It’s Perfect for Stubborn Fat Areas

Dieting and exercise can effectively eliminate excess weight, but you have little to no control over where the fat is eliminated. Exercise can give you some semblance of control, but it’s not accurate either. While you can easily target your glutes and abs with certain exercises, it’s not as easy with love handles or chin fat. Since the range of motion is limited, losing weight in these areas can be challenging. 

This is a problem that CoolSculpting® Elite aimed to solve. Thanks to the applicators, you can control where you want to reduce the fat, effectively improving the contour of your body. It’s what you are looking for if you have a healthy weight and lifestyle, but the stubborn fat keeps clinging to your body.

3. Permanent Fat Reduction

Last but not least, CoolSculpting® Elite is beneficial because the effects are potentially permanent. Once the fat cells are frozen, they are damaged to the point that your body will perceive them as a toxin. As a result, it will flush those cells out through your lymphatic system within the next four to six months. 

Once they are gone, the same fat cells will not be able to return. You can have a healthy contour for years if you maintain a relatively healthy lifestyle. Add a maintenance CoolSculpting® Elite treatment every year, and you should enjoy significant improvement for a long time.

Get the Body of Your Dreams With CoolSculpting® Elite

CoolSculpting® Elite treatments can be a very efficient way to reduce stubborn fat that resists all of your body contouring efforts. It’s a simple procedure, and the results should be visible quickly. Set up an appointment for CoolSculpting® Elite right now and reach the body contour of your dreams!


For more information about CoolSculpting® Elite and why it is a good solution, please contact SoCal Cool Body at 951-397-0530 or 760-298-8078. We have offices in Murrieta and Palm Desert where we can welcome you. As an alternative, you can fill out our online contact form, and we will get in touch with you soon for an appointment!


SoCal Cool Body’s New CoolSculpting® Elite Package Pricing!

Reaching the perfect body has always seemed like a never-ending journey. You try different diets and exercise routines, but the stubborn fat continues to hold on without any intentions of budging. This can include any area from your chin to your belly and the sides of your hips. While this is normal for every person, it doesn’t mean you must make peace with it. 

Enter CoolSculpting® Elite, the procedure that uses cool technology so you can shed off stubborn fat. One cycle of CoolSculpting® Elite can efficiently reduce fat cells from one specific body area, but we all know the best things come in packages. For those women and men who want better results at a lower price, SoCal Cool Body came up with a new CoolSculpting® Elite package pricing.

What Is CoolSculpting® Elite?

CoolSculpting® Elite is a procedure that uses non-invasive methods to reduce excess body fat. The treatment takes the pinchable fat in stubborn areas of the body, isolates it, and then uses cryolipolysis freezing technology to damage it permanently. Overall, it requires little to no downtime, meaning most clients can return to their daily routine right after getting the treatment.

Since fat is more sensitive to cold temperatures than muscle or skin, the surrounding tissue remains safe while the stubborn fat is destroyed. At most, you might notice some redness and soreness (which is typical with cold temperatures), but these side effects should fade within a few hours. 

Once the fat cells are damaged beyond repair, the lymphatic system will continue the process and start flushing them out. Over the next two to three months, the damaged fat will exit your body permanently, with no chance of returning. With a good diet and some maintenance treatments now and again, patients see significant improvement in the treated area.

Where Can You Use CoolSculpting® Elite?

CoolSculpting® Elite works on multiple areas of the body, as long as you have stubborn fat on them. However, patients should remember that CoolSculpting® Elite is a body contouring procedure, not a weight loss one. While it can give a better shape to the area where you have pinchable fat, it often does not cause the number to drop on the scale.

CoolSculpting® Elite has two applicators that can be used simultaneously in the following areas:

  • Abdomen
  • Upper arms
  • Inner thighs
  • Double chin
  • Outer thighs
  • Back
  • Hips 
  • Upper knee

Depending on how much stubborn fat you have, you might need more than one CoolSculpting® Elite cycle. The best results are obtained when used on smaller, pinchable fat pockets, mainly because they are easily suctioned into the CoolSculpting® applicators. For the most part, this treatment is recommended for those near their ideal weight but who want to address some areas that are not responding to their efforts.

Take Advantage of SoCal Cool Body’s Special Package Pricing!

Good things come in a package and for a good deal. So, checking our monthly specials is always a good idea as they offer great results at attractive prices. For example, at SoCal Cool Body, you can get 25 percent off your next CoolSculpting® treatment.

Those who wish to target more body areas or leave space for maintenance might want to try the CoolSculpting® package that SoCal Cool Body offers. This one combines multiple treatments, offering the full body-sculpting experience. Depending on the number of sessions you opt for, you can get up to 50 percent off!

Work on Your Summer Body With SoCal Cool Body!

CoolSculpting® Elite can be a very effective option for reducing unwanted fat areas, giving you a smoother contour. You just need to catch the right deal to enjoy the procedure! Contact SoCal Cool Body and schedule an appointment for a CoolSculpting® Elite treatment!


For more information about CoolSculpting® Elite, you can contact SoCal Cool Body at (951) 397-0530. We would be happy to answer any questions you might have. As an alternative, you can fill out the provided online contact form, and we will get in touch with you to make an appointment!