
New Year, New You With CoolSculpting® Elite!

The New Year is a time for resolutions, which is a promise to yourself to improve different areas of your life. For about 48 percent of the population, this means improving their fitness and shedding off that extra fat. However, achieving a perfectly sculpted body doesn’t necessarily mean spending endless hours in the gym because there are now ways to ease that journey. 

Enter CoolSculpting® Elite, which is a procedure that only takes a couple of short visits to the office for a sculpted physique. With this procedure, you can help your body get rid of excess fat from certain areas. Read our blog and find out why you should start the New Year with CoolSculpting® Elite!

What Is CoolSculpting® Elite?

CoolSculpting® Elite is a body sculpting procedure that uses cryolipolysis to freeze fat cells underneath your skin. This process causes the affected cells to die so that your body can eliminate them naturally, which leaves you with a more sculpted appearance and fewer stubborn fat areas. 

CoolSculpting® Elite is the improved version of its precursor, the traditional CoolSculpting®, which only had one handheld device. With the Elite version, you can enjoy two of these tools to target different areas of your body. This can offer better results along with a shorter time spent in the doctor’s office.

Benefits of CoolSculpting® Elite

Here are the benefits you can enjoy with CoolSculpting® Elite: 

1. Non-Surgical Procedure

Plenty of effective weight loss and body sculpting procedures will require you to undergo surgery. While results are often fast and very effective, not everyone has the time to go through the recovery process. Since CoolSculpting® Elite is not invasive and does not require incisions, the recovery time is short, with most patients being able to return to their daily routine almost immediately. 

2. Very Little Discomfort

Many weight loss procedures come with a fair amount of discomfort, requiring anesthesia to make them bearable. However, CoolSculpting® Elite is relatively painless. Most clients only feel some tingles at the beginning of the treatment. After that, the cold therapy numbs down the area, reducing discomfort throughout the rest of the procedure.

3. Effective in Targeted Treatment

While most traditional weight loss methods are effective, they are not targeted toward specific areas. For instance, you might have reduced the number on the scale with your diet, but the fat may not have budged from where you wanted it to. CoolSculpting® Elite can target those specific stubborn areas, ensuring you get exactly the results that you have dreamed of.

4. Reduction of Age Signs

One very important benefit that many overlook with CoolSculpting® Elite is its ability to reduce the signs of aging. First, by diminishing fat in specific areas of your body, you will appear slimmer and more youthful. However, cold therapy also has the potential to boost collagen production, reducing various signs of aging.

5. Long-Lasting Results

When applied to certain areas, CoolSculpting® Elite can reduce up to 25 percent of the fat present. The damaged fat cells will be gradually removed by the lymphatic system, offering a sculpted look within a few weeks. Once those cells are removed, they will not come back, so fat reduction is permanent. It is important to note that new fat cells can indeed be formed if you have an unhealthy diet, but exercise and maintenance CoolSculpting® Elite sessions can help to keep everything under control.

Choose CoolSculpting® Elite for 2024!

CoolSculpting® Elite can be a very effective and simple procedure to offer your body a better contour with minimal effort. With the New Year upon us, you deserve to bring yourself in the best shape. Contact SoCal Cool Body for an appointment and get yourself started with CoolSculpting® Elite!


For more information about CoolSculpting® Elite and how it can help you, please contact SoCal Cool Body at 951-397-0530 and 760-298-8078. We have practices in Murrieta and Palm Desert where we welcome you for an appointment. Alternatively, you can fill out our online contact form, and we will get in touch with you shortly.

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