
Why Now Is the Right Time for JUVÉDERM®

Those prime summer months are almost here, and with them comes the sand, the surf, and the pool parties and barbeques. While all of this is exciting to look forward to, so many people feel nervous when they think about socializing with friends, family, and new acquaintances. One of the main reasons that men and women may be worrying about the coming summer with all of its activities is that they are worried about facing others with an appearance that they may not be proud of having.

Woman wearing a hat at the beach

The reality is that age and lifestyle choices can cause the skin on our face (especially in our cheeks and under our eyes) to lose its youthful appearance. Additionally, skin blemishes like wrinkles and fine lines can form on our skin. Volume loss and skin blemishes on the face are some of the most frustrating and embarrassing cosmetic issues that people deal with. But the good news is that dermal fillers, like JUVÉDERM®, can help correct these problems so that you can feel proud of your new and rejuvenated facial appearance. But with summer almost here, the clock is ticking for you to achieve the appearance you desire.

What Is JUVÉDERM®, and What Does It Do?

JUVÉDERM® is an injectable cosmetic treatment that is made up of hyaluronic acid (HA). Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is found naturally in our bodies. When JUVÉDERM® is injected into the problem areas of our facial skin, the HA works to retain moisture, which fills in areas of volume loss, including wrinkles and lines. The best part of this dermal filler is that your body is naturally correcting the issues; the injectable treatment is simply working as a jumpstart to your body. 

What Are Some Things I Need to Know About JUVÉDERM®?

JUVÉDERM® is a safe and effective treatment for facial skin issues and can be used to correct various areas of your face, including around the mouth and nose (nasolabial folds), on the cheeks, in the lips, and around the eyes (crow’s feet). While the results of dermal fillers like JUVÉDERM® are not permanent (wearing off and needing maintenance treatment after 18 months, or so), most people only require one treatment session to attain their desired results. This begs the question even more: Why wait to get your treatment?!

Why Do I Need to Think About Getting JUVÉDERM Now?

The reality is that volume loss and skin blemishes on the face will not go away naturally. So, if you are looking to get rid of these issues, you need to act instead of putting it off, and acting means looking into having dermal filler treatments, such as JUVÉDERM®. Another reason you might want to consider getting your JUVÉDERM® treatment now is that you will want to have your facial appearance exactly the way you want it by those summer months when you will be showing your face off to more (and different) people. While JUVÉDERM® does not have a lengthy downtime or recovery period, it can take a couple weeks for your results to settle and become final. During this short recovery time, you will want to refrain from being out in the sun and keep from touching your face (or having others touch your face). So, if you are looking forward to enjoying those hot months in the very best of ways (including looking the way you want), then it is important to act now by scheduling your JUVÉDERM® consultation today!

For more information about JUVÉDERM®, please contact our office by calling our Murrieta location at 951-397-0530 or you may contact us online!

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